Hello all my friends out in Cyberland! I hope you are having a great week and have avoided the dreaded flu bug! Yuck! :-(
We woke up to some sleet and a little snow here in east Texas, so my grandson and I are staying in today out of the weather. He is three months now and I've been reminded what a massive endeavor it is to go ANYWHERE with a baby. God bless all you Moms with little ones out there! I feel you!
So, let's get on to our features this week, but before I get started I would like to explain a little about link parties, for those who are new at linking up.
First, just so you know (unless your lucky like my friend that has her own blog and won a years worth of link parties) it cost money to run a link party.
Second, it takes a lot of work out of your week to set it up, visit people that have taken time to link up (and I appreciate all of you who have been so faithful) and just do little things to promote the party so everyone will get a few visitors.
Third, the main purpose of the party is to get people to visit the hostess's blog, your blog, and to get people to visit the other post that are listed in the party. So, in a perfect world everyone wins. :-)
That is why we ask that you put the link for our parties on the same page as the post to get people back to the party from your blog. If you put the back link on another page it would be very rare for someone to find it.
Fourth, you should thank the host or hostess for hosting the party and visit at least one other blogger to share the love.
I hope that clears things up for those of you that aren't familiar with how it works. Now on to our features this week.
I'm so proud that although we did not have as many entries this week we had a record number of hits and everyone received several visits! For a small party that is great! Thanks everyone!
Your favorite post this week was Penny's Treasures's tips for decorating on the cheap. You really found some great deals and some lovely ones too Penny! Thanks for sharing.
Lulu's Musing shared her bright and cheery bedroom makeover. I love the little distressed tables Lulu and aren't those little chairs adorable?!
Shannon at Sewing Barefoot shared her tutorial on making this cute crochet hook holder. I definitely need one of these.
If you were featured this week feel free to grab the featured button below!

Now on to the party! First a few request.
*Please take a moment after you link up and visit at least one other post.
*Please provide a back link to the party either by using my button or a text link ON your blog post. Sorry no link on the post no feature.
We woke up to some sleet and a little snow here in east Texas, so my grandson and I are staying in today out of the weather. He is three months now and I've been reminded what a massive endeavor it is to go ANYWHERE with a baby. God bless all you Moms with little ones out there! I feel you!
So, let's get on to our features this week, but before I get started I would like to explain a little about link parties, for those who are new at linking up.
First, just so you know (unless your lucky like my friend that has her own blog and won a years worth of link parties) it cost money to run a link party.
Second, it takes a lot of work out of your week to set it up, visit people that have taken time to link up (and I appreciate all of you who have been so faithful) and just do little things to promote the party so everyone will get a few visitors.
Third, the main purpose of the party is to get people to visit the hostess's blog, your blog, and to get people to visit the other post that are listed in the party. So, in a perfect world everyone wins. :-)
That is why we ask that you put the link for our parties on the same page as the post to get people back to the party from your blog. If you put the back link on another page it would be very rare for someone to find it.
Fourth, you should thank the host or hostess for hosting the party and visit at least one other blogger to share the love.
I hope that clears things up for those of you that aren't familiar with how it works. Now on to our features this week.
I'm so proud that although we did not have as many entries this week we had a record number of hits and everyone received several visits! For a small party that is great! Thanks everyone!
Your favorite post this week was Penny's Treasures's tips for decorating on the cheap. You really found some great deals and some lovely ones too Penny! Thanks for sharing.
Lulu's Musing shared her bright and cheery bedroom makeover. I love the little distressed tables Lulu and aren't those little chairs adorable?!
Biljana at Biljana Shabby shared her silver teapot makeover. A family heirloom. So pretty Biljana. Thanks for sharing. :-)
If you were featured this week feel free to grab the featured button below!
Now on to the party! First a few request.
*Please take a moment after you link up and visit at least one other post.
*Please provide a back link to the party either by using my button or a text link ON your blog post. Sorry no link on the post no feature.
*I would like for you to follow me via one or all of the social networks. I will follow everyone back and if I miss you please let me know.
*By linking up to the party you are allowing me to use your images to post on my blog and any or all of the social networks if you are featured.
What have you been up to this week? We really want to see!
What have you been up to this week? We really want to see!
Hi, I am new to your link party & I linked my Royal Headboards #1. Thank you, for hosting. Also, I am a new follower & hope you will do the same.
Yay for your party! Thank you for hosting!
Thank you so much for the feature! I always look forward to joining your party! Have a great week...hugs, Penny
YAY! I am so glad I finally have something to link up. LOL It was tough going back to school after 2 weeks off.
Thank you so much for hosting! I hope all is well. I sure was hoping for a snow day today, but no such luck! Counting on Thursday snow now. :)
Thanks so much for hosting each week!! Great features!!
Peggy, your time and dedication is VERY much appreciated...thank you for hosting!
Peggy, I am not being allowed to re-link. I have seen this on other link parties that I have linked up with I just thought it was because I sent it, that I was not able to see it. I tried to link something else up but again no picture. I wonder if I am doing something wrong!! Thank you for letting me try again. Don't know what to do now!!UGH
Thanks Peggy for featured my teapot, beautiful party, thanks for hosting:-)Hugs, Biljana
Hello Peggy, thank you for having me! x
Thank you for hosting, Peggy :) Hugs!
Hi Peggy, I´ve just discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago and I LOVE IT!!! I´m very glad to have something to share with you and the beautiful ladies who link to your parties. Thanks for your kindness and dedication on hosting (and besides for your lovely comment on my blog... be sure it´s very much appreciated.
New follower here. I just found your blog. Am linking up to your party. Thank you for hosting.
Thanks so much for the feature and for hosting :) Have a great week!
Shannon @ Sewing Barefoot
Thank you, Peggy, for including my room as one of your features. I'll be back again with something new.
Thank you for the invite to link at your party, Peggy ! I am following you via GFC :-)
Thank you for hosting! Sorry for joining so late. Just got over 5 days of fever. Anyhoo, hope you're having a pretty day. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse
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