Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Free Graphics Wednesday #36

Hello my friends! I have some really pretty images for you today. So without further ado here they are.

Everyone be sure to hop over and link up at Transformed Tuesday.  We can't wait to see what you've been up to! :-)

Have a wonderful rest of the week!


Here are the rules for using these images.

  • The above images are free and for personal use only they are not for re-sale.
  • International viewers please check the copyright laws for your country.
  • I do research the images to check if they are copyright free to the best of my ability before I share them with you, and because I am providing the graphics for free I am not legally responsible if you use these images and are sued for copyright infringement. It is totally your choice to use or not use the images.

All images that are not listed as "free" on this blog are copyrighted and not  for public use. Copying my images without my permission is subject to suit.


Unknown said...

Oh so much wonderful vintage goodness all together! Thank you for sharing, soooo many things could be done with these :)

xoxo, Tanya

Moonofsilver said...

I'm sorry I must have missed your button. I always link back under my "Links" section! :) I have added your link.

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