Monday, December 10, 2012

Transformed Tuesday #18 And Features!

PJH Designs


 Okay! STOP! Take a deep breath! Relax...It's going to be okay! You will get everything done before Christmas but be sure to stop and take a minute to catch your breath every once in awhile. 

Right now is a good time. Stop! Take a moment to link up and visit a friend or two. Then you'll be rested and ready to go again. LOL

I know how you feel. Been there done all that! But this year I've been busy taking care of my new grandson since my daughter went back to work. So, I haven't been on a shopping and decorating spree yet. I plan on being really smart and waiting to the last minute!

If you haven't seen my new grandson, Bowen, here he is!

I know! I'm one of those Nonnies that is always showing off her grandchildren's photos. Sorry. Not. :-)

And yes, I did crochet that floppy-eared, puppy hat. Thank you for asking. If you would like one you may order it here. I know. I'm shameless. 

So, enough of about me on to this week's features. I will be sharing my tree on Thursday or Friday so be sure to stop back by if you can.

Bethany at Pitter & Glink shared how to make these sparkly, hot glue, Christmas Ornaments. Love these!

Penny over at Penny's Vintage Home shared her lovely kitchen all decked out for the holidays. So pretty Penny.

Linda at French Hen's Nest shared her tutorial on making this gorgeous feather tree! I love it! Got to make it!

You'll never guess what this ottoman is made from! No, I'm not telling. You'll have to go to Domestic Superhero and let Allyson share with you how she accomplished this gorgeous ottoman for $72!

If you want to Pin any of these features please go to the original post to Pin. Thanks.

If you were featured this week feel free to grab a brag button.

PJH Desisgns

Thanks so much to everyone that linked up. I appreciate everyone of you and so enjoy checking out all your post. 

I only have a couple of request before we start the party.

*Please take a moment after you link up and visit at least one other post.

*Please provide a back link to the party either by using my button or a text link ON your blog post.  Sorry no link on the post no feature. I was so disappointed that a couple of you didn't have a back link so I could feature you. :-(

*I would like for you to follow me via one or all of the social networks. I will follow everyone back and if I miss you please let me know.

*By linking up to the party you are allowing me to use your images to post on my blog and any or all of the social networks if you are featured.

Now on to the party.  What have you been up to?  We really want to see!

I'm joining the following parties:
One Project At a Time


Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

Bowen is so cute and his little hat,,,adorable! Thank you for featuring my Christmas kitchen! Hugs. Penny

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Your grandson is so precious! Congrats!!

Thanks so much for hosting, Peggy!

Deb said...

Bowen is so cute!! Thanks for featuring my ottoman!! Cheers! ~Allyson @

Unknown said...

What a beautiful name for a beautiful little boy Peggy!!!
Thanks so much for the party even in the midst of Christmas Chaos!!!
Big hugs,

Anonymous said...

Peggy, your grandson Bowen is Darling! I have a new grandson, Quinn and I am proud too. Keep showing us your photos.

Thank you so much for featuring my little feather tree! I am thrilled. You throw a great party!

Hugs for you and Bowen
Linda @ The French Hen's Nest

Unknown said...

Aww, Bowen is precious!! You have the best job in the world! I just finished my post so I could link up!! I am so behind. I guess it's just that time of year. Enjoy that precious boy, and thank you so much for hosting! Have a wonderful week.


Kathryn Ferguson Griffin said...

Thank you for hosting! Wishing you a pretty weekend. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

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