Monday, November 26, 2012

Transformed Tuesday # 16 and Features

PJH Designs

Hello my blogger friends.  I hope you had a wonderful holiday and are fully recovered from turkey overload. :-)

I ate so much I've been afraid to get on the scale. Sigh. Now I have to be good until Christmas so I can stuff myself again.  I know I'm awful. lol

I have been so busy with holiday cooking and painting furniture, and I also went to a great dealers warehouse and picked up some furniture items I will be sharing soon.  If you follow me on Facebook you can get sneak peeks.

Besides all of that I gave in to suggestions from family and friends and started an Etsy shop to sell some of my hand knit and crocheted items! I've been doing needlework for over 30 years for family and friends and just love the look of surprise and delight when someone receives a handmade item.

Here is a sample of the items in my shop.

I will be offering these scarves in several color variations. I will be posting different colors over the next week or so.

I'm also taking orders for these Mickey style baby caps in sizes from Newborn up to 6-9 months. 

If you would like to visit my Etsy shop please go here.

Okay, enough about me let's see what your favorites were from last week.  

Biljana Shabby shared her lovely painted, wooden trinket boxes. So pretty!

Lisa at Stubbornly Crafty shared her beautiful dresser redo. You did a wonderful job Lisa especially I love the top.

Laurie at Heaven's Walk share the joy of finding a new friend through blogging and spending a wonderful day of visiting and shopping together. Laurie I could almost smell that latte. :-)

I'd like to thank each and everyone of you for linking up last week.  I appreciate you and so enjoying looking through all your post.

If you were featured feel free to grab a button.

PJH Desisgns

Now let's get this party started.  I only have a couple of requests.

*Please provide a back link to the party either by using my button or a text link ON your blog post.  Sorry no link on the post no feature.

*I would like for you to follow me via one or all of the social networks. I will follow everyone back and if I miss you please let me know.

*By linking up to the party you are allowing me to use your images to post on my blog and any or all of the social networks if you are featured.

Now on to the party what have you been up to?  We really want to see!

I'm joining the following parties:

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Free Graphic Wednesday # 34

Hello! Is everyone ready for Thanksgiving Day? I know.  Me either! I'm ready to eat but not ready for all the cooking. lol  I do not like to cook!

Well, my wish is for each and everyone of you to have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 

Now on to the free graphics.  Please read the disclosure at bottom of the page before using the graphics.  

I hope you can use these images in some of your projects.  If you do use them please come back and share your project on Transformed Tuesday.  We would love to see.  As a matter of a fact the party is still going strong so hop on over and link up. :-)

Here are the rules for using these images.

  • The above images are free and for personal use only they are not for re-sale.
  • International viewers please check the copyright laws for your country.
  • I do research the images to check if they are copyright free to the best of my ability before I share them with you, and because I am providing the graphics for free I am not legally responsible if you use these images and are sued for copyright infringement. It is totally your choice to use or not use the images.

All images that are not listed as "free" on this blog are copyrighted and not  for public use. Copying my images without my permission is subject to suit.

I'm joining the following parties:

Shabbilicious Friday  
Feathered Nest Friday

Monday, November 19, 2012

Transformed Tuesday #15 & Features

PJH Designs

Its that time again! Time to party!

I've been busy this last week. Let me share what I've been doing.

I shared a post on several unique ways to use old chair parts.   You can see the complete post here.

I also shared several lovely images on Free Graphic Wednesday. For more of the images from this week go here.

I also found some great pieces to keep like this one and some others I am transforming to carry to my booth at King's Antique Mall.  I'll be sharing more about them soon.

Now on to this weeks features. I'd like to thank each and everyone one of you for linking up last week. I so enjoyed visiting and seeing all of your projects.

Maureen over at It's All Connected shared a great technique for upgrading those old porcelain kitchen handles. Maureen is upgrading her kitchen on a budget so be sure to stop by and see how things are going.

Biljana Shabby shared her lovely stool redo. So shabby, so pretty.

We loved Holly's dining room at Bella Nest. Gorgeous mirror and dining set. 

Jill at Sew A Fine Seam shared all the goodies she found on a recent shopping spree.

 Aren't this Christmas Pillows just gorgeous? Kathy at Life On Lakeshore Drive shared a tutorial so you can make your own.

Yum this healthier version of chili looks and sounds delish!  Daniela at Frugal Ain't Cheap shared her recipe with wheat berries substituted for the meat.

Okay, if you were a star this week be sure and grab your button. It's okay to brag. :-)

PJH Desisgns
Also, if you weren't featured here keep an eye out on my Facebook page you may be featured there.

Now let's get this party started.  I only have a couple of requests.

*Please provide a back link to the party either by using my button or a text link ON your blog post.  Sorry no link on the post no feature.

*I would like for you to follow me via one or all of the social networks. I will follow everyone back and if I miss you please let me know.

*By linking up to the party you are allowing me to use your images to post on my blog and any or all of the social networks if you are featured.

Please Tweet about the party! Spread the news! The more who link up the more that see your post!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

New Uses For Old Chairs

 Hi y'all! I hope you had a wonderful week.

I was sitting here trying to think of new ways to use some broken chairs that I have (no, I do not EVER throw anything away) and after looking online for awhile I found some great ideas.

So, if you are like me with bits and pieces of old chairs in your storage space here are some great ideas for using them.  Enjoy.

Add a old piece of wood to make a shelf. I've actually done this before.

Cut the legs down and stuff the seat with a cute fabric and you have an adorable dog bed.

Not much left but the top of the chair? Use them for clothes hangers. They are just the right width!

Add cork board for a message center or chalk paint for chalkboard.

I love this idea! Add hooks and make a coat rack.

Hang several parts together for decorative wall art.

Who knew? They make really gorgeous picture frames.

It seems that chairs make great towel racks.

Put two or more together and add lumber, a cushion and cover with pretty fabric and viola! You have a bench.

No seat?  Just insert a flower pot and you have instant yard art. :-)

Turn two upside down and top with a surf board and you have a sewing table. This redesign made by Robert Kalin founder of Etsy.

Rearrange chair parts for a unique guitar stand.

Add rope and a tree and you have a unique swing.

Missing the cane or leather seating? Insert glass for unique side tables.

Turn children's chairs into these great dog feeders.

Use chair spindles to make a unique magazine holder.

Chair to sign.

So many uses for old chairs! I had no idea...Hey, where did you go?  Oh, you're digging through your old chair parts.  

So you're inspired are you? Good! Then my job is done.

Have fun and oh yes, be sure to come back and share your masterpiece at Transformed Tuesday. 

Until next time,

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