Saturday, August 27, 2011

Two Before & Afters

Today I've been so busy going to visit a cousin who is not well and stopping at a local flea market for some things for my booth. I found some great nick-knacks and a couple of mirrors.  I love to redo mirrors. :-)

My booth is nearly empty so I have been hard at work getting some more furniture ready to take next Tuesday. I thought I would take a minute out to share a couple of things I just finished with you.

First is an old mirror that probably went with a dresser at one time.  It is a very heavy solid wood mirror with a fan like design at the top. Here's the before.

...please ignore my terrible carport with half finished projects.

Here's the after.

...hmm mirror looks great.  Reflection? not so much

I also just finished a antique rocker. I am certainly not a professional upholsterer but like I have blogged about before  my Grandmother recovered her chairs so like her out of  necessity I taught myself the basics.  Upholstery is not my favorite thing to do so I don't recover a complete chair very often. Here's the before.

And here's the after.

Okay, I know you have an old mirror or an old chair just sitting around collecting dust.  Get out your material and a paint brush!  If I can do it anybody can.

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