Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Soooo Busy

I've been very busy the last few days buying three rooms of furniture from an estate and pickin' here and there. I have also been working on a couple of pieces that I should have ready tomorrow and can't wait to share the pictures with you!

I also have an end of the summer sale going on in my booth at King's Antiques and so far it has been going really well. As a matter of fact I really need to get those pieces done as my booth is looking kind of skimpy.

I truly love what I am doing and hope it shows in my work.  I would love to hear from those of you that are busy doing the same type of projects that I do or that are pickers.  I have found during my travels that a style that is popular in one area of the country may not be popular somewhere else so I would really love to hear what type of furniture, paint techniques, or antiques are really selling well in your area of the country.  Here in Texas its burlap, pottery, and re-purposed furniture. 

Here are a couple of pictures  of my booth I took recently.  I hope all your endeavors are successful and you are happy in your work.  I'll share a new project probably tomorrow.

I forgot to move my new handbag from the telephone bench don't you just love it? I love my handbags. LOL

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