Thursday, November 10, 2011

Recycling Home Décor Items

 Before I get started on my post today I just wanted to remind everyone of the $50 Wal Mart card give away I'm having go here to enter. This giveaway has ended.

Okay, now that's taken care of I have a couple of small make overs to share with you today.  As I was preparing my pictures for the blog today I was thinking how easy it is to just get rid of items like these because well-- they are just ugly, and old, and don’t match most peoples décor today.

A lot of people would just throw them out, sell them in a yard sale, or give them to a charitable group. I say look at them again. Yes, I know they are still not working for you but just try to imagine them with a little paint and powder (you girls know what a difference a little of that can do) and get out your brush and paint and get to work.  For instance, I picked these two items up in Arkansas at a flea market and boy was that a lot of ugly gold paint!



Now some of you may like the gold paint look and if so I apologize in advance but I think they are really ugly and just plain. Of course from first seeing them I also knew they could be and deserved to be better. So at my first opportunity I got out my chalk paint and transformed them to this.



The vase is plaster and I painted it black and when it was dry I then dried brushed it with old white.  I highlighted the grapes with gold, I didn’t say I didn’t like gold just that much of it, and the leaves with “Versailles” a pale green which brought out the beautiful details.


I love the twisted vine look of the handle.


Now for the lyre magazine holder. I think in a former post I said it was plaster but it’s made of wrought iron.  I also painted it black then dried brushed several layers of “Old White” chalk paint on it to give it an old plastered look that I like much better don’t you?


So before you throw that old décor item out look at it again maybe it just needs updating.  Put your brand on it and make it unique.

Thanks for dropping by ya’ll.

P. S. I just love this little porcelain girl all ready to go to the ball. She’s one of my favorite pieces and is usually in my bedroom. I think I paid $2 for her.  She just makes me smile.  Do you have something similar that you keep around just because every time you see it you smile?


I'm sharing with the following lovely parties.



Sue Pinner said...

Great post...thanks for sharing
You've been pinned on PINTREST a site full of inspirational pictures and great tutorials
Hugs Suz x

Kathleen said...

A little paint makes everything better. Great job!
Thank you for following me. You made my month.

La Vie Quotidienne said...

What a difference. From blah, to georgous! Wonderful.(-:

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Holy Toledo! These don't look like the same pieces! What a total transformation! You should be very proud!

I'm your newest follower. Please stop by and say hi.

Jenifer Harrod said...

Thanks for sharing at our party. I am your newest follower.
Please try:

theshop said...

So beautiful posts,all I like,hope to be better then,and enjoy yourself,good luck in your life
home decor items

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