Monday, April 22, 2013

Transformed Tuesday #35 & Features

PJH Designs

Hello everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Its was a beautiful one here in east Texas. 

I'm so excited as my "Lil' Bird Table" has been featured at The Graphics Fairy! Thank you so much Karen.

The Graphics Fairy

Starting this week on Transformed Tuesday I will no longer notify you if your blog has been featured so be sure to check back each week to see if you're a star!

Without further ado here are your features for this week. (#1 is always the most viewed link.)  

#1 Fluster Buster...Corn Starch Uses

#2 Art is Beauty...Sea Glass Dresser

#3 Victoria's Vintage Designs...Beach Chic Vintage Buffet

#4 Bad Rabbit Vintage...I Can't Stop Buying Boxes

#5 Old Things New...Guest cottage Before & After

#6 Sew A Fine Seam...Annie Sloan Unfolded

#7 My Shabby French Life...Mes Vetements Shabby Chic

#8 Just Dip It In Chocolate...Lemon Meringue Pie Milk

Wow! Ladies you are really talented!
Thanks so much for linking up and if you were featured feel free to grab a button below. If you want to pin one of the features be sure to click on the link and pin from the source. Thank you.

PJH Desisgns

This is the button for featured blogs. To link up use the button at top of page. Thanks.

Life on Lakeshore Drive<

Be sure to join my friends Kathy and Kathe at 
their great parties this week! Just click the buttons above after you link up here.

Now before we start the party I have a few request.

*Please take a moment after you link up and visit at least one other post. It's a party folks! Mingle!

*Please provide a back link to the party either by using my button or a text link ON your blog post.  Sorry no link on the post no feature. 
*I would like for you to follow me via one or all of the social networks. I will follow everyone back and if I miss you please let me know.

*No stores or Etsy shops please.

*By linking up to the party it is understood that you are allowing me to use your images to post on my blog and any or all of the social networks. I always give you credit.

One more thing. Don't forget to come back tomorrow and check out Free Graphics Wednesday and pick up some free printables for all of your crafty projects.

So what have you been up to?  We really want to see!


Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

Hi Peggy! Thanks so much for hosting another great party! Have a wonderful week...hugs, Penny

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting Peggy. Love the features. Have a great week.

Sayuri said...

Thank you for hosting Peggy!!

Great features,I especially love the box :)
Have a great week!!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for hosting!!


Kathe said...

Thanks for hosting Peggy! Have a great week :-)

Treat and Trick said...

Thanks for the party! Have a fabulous week...

One More Time Events said...

Thank you for hosting.

With A Blast said...

Thanks for hosting, Peggy!

Maureen Wyatt said...

Congratulations of your Graphics Fairy feature! That's quite a feather in your cap.

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Thank you so much for hosting!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting a great party!

Jeannie and Linda said...

Peggy,what would we do without the parties! Thanks for hosting each week. Such inspiration to be found here!

Linda and Jeannie at The French Hens Nest

Unknown said...

Good morning dear Peggy and thank you so much for the feature of our guest cottage. You are such a blessing! Hugs, Patti

Biljana said...

Beautiful features, thanks for hosting:) Hugs, Biljana

Diane said...

Lovely features. Thanks for the party!

Cecilia said...

Thanks for hosting, Peggy! Those are some seriously great features! I want to try that Lemon Meringue Pie Milk Shake...yum, yum.

Helen's Decor said...

Hi Peggy, thanks for hosting a great party every week.


Denise @ secondtimearoundfinds said...

Love the features this week. Thanks for hosting Peggy. Always a treat to join in.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Thanks for hosting Peggy. That painted trunk is great. Loved all the features.

Sumaya at Evocative Vintage said...

Lovely features! Thanks for hosting another fab party!

Unknown said...

Hi Penny,
I can't remember how I found your blog, but I'm so glad I did! Great hop and features you have here!
Linking op for the first time today.. I host the Farmgirl Friday Blog hop every Friday.. .come by and link up! Deb

curiositaellya said...

Hi Peggy,
Thank you so much for inviting me; but I am very sorry that I tried to copy paste the button but did not work. I am following you through Google Friend Connect.

Have a great day!


Unknown said...

Thanks for inviting me! I have your party on my list, I'm not sure how I missed it.

Lisa@hooplapalooza said...

thank you so much for the invite Peggy! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for inviting me to your wonderful party Peggy! My linky goes live every Monday night, would love for you to join :)

xo, Tanya

Jen @ Girl in the Garage said...

Thanks for hosting and for inviting me over! :) Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Jennifer said...

Thanks so much for inviting me over! Nice party! Adding it to my Thursdays!


Like the rabbit of Alice's "I'm late !!" Oh so sorry didn't had a lot of time this week and I discover with such a pleasure that your featured my blog with my shabby clothes ! Thank you so so much. And thank you so much for hosting us !!!
xoxo from PARIS


Anonymous said...

oh lovely.. I totally loved all the stuff you featured.. Im late this week.. but will surely come back next tuesday..

Im your newest follower and sure hope to see you on Colours Dekor :)

Hope you have a lovely week ahead..

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