
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Free Graphic Wednesday #59


Hello everyone! I am back from vacation and ready to share some vintage images with you from my personal collection.

So without further are your images for this week.

And to finish things off how about some dancing pigs?

Have you submitted a post to be considered for a feature next Tuesday?  I have changed Transformed Tuesday and now you just submit one of your post to me via my e-mail "" and you could be the only feature next week!  Be sure to submit something new and something you have "transformed".

Hope you have enjoyed the pictures. Have a wonderful rest of the week.


Here are the rules for using these images.


I love to read your comments. They make my day. I no longer take anonymous comments. Too much spam. Also, I will not reply on post to comments but via email so please be sure you are a reply blogger. Thanks, Peggy :-)