
Monday, May 27, 2013

Transformed Tuesday #40 & Features

PJH Designs

Hello everyone! I  hope you are having a wonderful Memorial Day holiday.

We've had a relaxing day as we had everyone over for hot dogs and hamburgers Saturday.  Homemade ice cream and fun. I love having my children and grandchildren over.

I'd like to thank all our men and women who have served their country and those that have given their lives so that we might be free. Thank you is just so inadequate, but I thank you.

My Dad in his Air Force uniform.

This week I share some great finds in collectible glass.  I collect Depression Glass, Turquoise Blue Fire King, and lady vase heads. If you would like to see what I found go here.

I can't believe we are have Transformed Tuesday #40 this week and want to thank each and everyone of you for linking up with me every week. I appreciate you so much.

Now let's get to our features this week. I really had a hard time choosing there were so many great post. Remember the #1 post is always the most viewed link and you need to check back each week to see if you were featured.

#1 Eclectic Red Bar...Vintage Picture Framed

#2 Its All Connected...Playing With The Stars & Stripes

 #3 Debbie Dabble...Patriotic Decorations for the Summer 2013

#4 Victoria's Vintage Designs...Luxe Blue Peacock Dresser

#5 Penny's Vintage Home...Vintage Flower Bed

#6 The little White House On The Seaside...Before it Gets Better

#7 Evocative Vintage...Burlap & Lace Wreath

#7 Under A Pile of Scrap...A Pretty Garden Chair

#8 Somewhat Quirky Designs...Vintage Juicers & Lemon-Lime Bars

Thanks so much for linking up and if you were featured feel free to grab a button below. If you want to pin one of the features be sure to click on the link and pin from the source. Thank you.

PJH Designs

This is the button for featured blogs. To link up use the button at the top of the page. Thanks.

Life on Lakeshore Drive

Be sure to hop on over and join my friends, Kathy and Kathe, at
their great parties this week! Just click the buttons above after you link up here.

Before we get started this week I need to let you know that I am going on vacation to Alaska.  My husband and I have taken a cruise to Alaska several years ago but really wanted to see more of the real Alaska.

On the cruise you only visit towns on the coast. This time will be flying into Juneau to go whale watching, then flying to Haines to pan for gold, one day we will fly with the mail carrier to three small villages above the Arctic circle, and too much more to list.

Photo courtesy

My husband always wanted to live in Alaska, but because of family and job stayed here in Louisiana. So this is his dream trip.  I'll be sure to bring back plenty of pictures. :-)

While I am gone I will leave this party open and hope you will come back each week and link up your latest projects.  I will choose features when I return. I promised no blogging while we're gone. I may go into withdrawal. lol

Now lets get on to the party. Here are a few request:

*Please take a moment after you link up and visit at least one other post. It's a party folks! Mingle!

*Please provide a back link to the party either by using my button or a text link ON your blog post.  Sorry no link on the post no feature. 

*By linking up to the party it is understood that you are allowing me to use your images to post on my blog and any or all of the social networks. I always give you credit.

One more thing. Don't forget to come back tomorrow and check out Free Graphics Wednesday and pick up some free images for all of your crafty projects. I will be posting images this Wednesday but won't post anymore until I return from my trip.

So, what have you been working on? We can't wait to see!



  1. Happy Memorial Day Peggy. What a great picture of your handsome dad. Thanks for hosting another wonderful party and blessings to you this week. Patti

  2. Thanks for the party, Peggy, hope you had a wonderful weekend. ~ Paula

  3. Have a great vacation! Thanks for hosting. Blessings, D@TheShadyPorch

  4. Peggy!! ALASKA!! Lucky you!! How fantastic is that!! Have a terrific time!!

    Thanks so much for the feature!! What a pleasant surprise! I gave you a shout out in my More Patriotic Decor Post!!

    Thanks for hosting and I will keep linking up until you return!! Take a lot of pictures so we can also enjoy your trip!!


  5. Hi Peggy, wonderful features today! I specially liked the vintage frame. Oh, and sharing that picture of your dad was such a tender detail... Thanks again for hosting and have a great vacation!

  6. What awesome features Peggy! Thanks for hosting!

  7. Thanks for hosting and have a fabulous week!

  8. Thank you for hosting! Have a lovely trip and enjoy the break from blogging (I feel your angst. LOL!)

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  9. Thank you so much for the feature. I hope you'll share the pictures from Alaska... It's such an exciting trip!

  10. Peggy, your trip sounds wonderful. Hope y'all enjoy every moment.
    Thanks for hosting,

  11. Thank you for the party, Peggy! Have a lovely week :-)

  12. Thanks for hosting! Have a happy week. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  13. Thanks for hosting and telling stories like wanting to live in Alaska, just go ahead i'm staying here however would rather live south for the winter,
    I have friends on an Alaskan cruise now

    I remember all our Veterans this pass weekend and think of them often year long

  14. Thank you for hosting such an inspiring party - have a great week.....

  15. Wow Peggy! All that beautiful glass AND a trip to Alaska! I'd say you are very blessed! Have a wonderful time!

    Thanks for hosting and leaving the party open.

    Linda and Jeannie at The French Hens Nest

  16. Thanks for hosting! This is my first time to this party - looks like a lot of great talent - I am a new follower!

    Cheryl @ The Creative Me and My McG

  17. What pretty depression glass and lovely features. Thanks for the party!

  18. I nearly fell off my chair when my wreath came up. Thanks bunches for the feature!:)

    What a handsome pic of your Dad and best of luck for the trip to awesome!:)


  19. Hi Peggy,
    Thank you for hosting!

  20. Thanks for hosting another great party!!

  21. I love glass that blue piece you have is lovely.
    I don't know what it is about glass but I'm always on the look out for new pieces.

  22. Great features, thanks for hosting Peggy:) Hugs, Biljana

  23. Thanks for the feature! Sorry I/m late to the party, for some reason I missed seeing it go live! Hugs, Penny

  24. Hi Peggy,
    What fabulous features!
    Thank you so much for hosting.
    Have a great week :)

    Hugs & Blessings ...

  25. Thanks for the party! I'm sharing my summer yard tour today!

  26. Hello Peggy, fabulous features - I am delighted to join your party this week, I appreciate you hosting,

  27. Hi Peggy,

    Thank you for hosting a great party.

    Pursuit Of Functional Home.


I love to read your comments. They make my day. I no longer take anonymous comments. Too much spam. Also, I will not reply on post to comments but via email so please be sure you are a reply blogger. Thanks, Peggy :-)