
Monday, November 5, 2012

Transformed Tuesday # 13 & Features

PJH Designs


Hello everyone! I hope you had a wonderful week. 

My thoughts and prayers are still going out to everyone in the Northeast as they struggle to recover from hurricane Sandy.

If you would like to help here is the link to the Red Cross online donation page.  You can give to the national page or to your local Red Cross chapter.

I have good news for those of you that enjoyed my Free Graphic Wednesday. I will be adding more images starting November 7, 2012! So be sure to come back by and check out all the new free graphics.

Speaking of graphics how do you like my new look? It doesn't make me look fat does it? lol No, really I love it and hope you do too. I would like to thank Michelle Baird at Shabby Creations for designing my blog's, Facebook's, & Twitter's new appearance. Now on to the features from last week's party.

Penny at Penny's Treasures shared her lovely painted and decorated piano. Beautiful job Penny.  

Judy at Vintage Street Designs shared her lovely redo of this lovely oak cabinet.  

My Shabby French Life shared her lovely, refurbished coat rack. So pretty.    

  Holly at Bella Nest shared her lovely living room. Love the bright open look and the lace behind the window. 

 Deidre at Simply Simplisticated shared a tutorial for making your own mercury glass. 

Laurie at Heaven's Walk shared her beautiful fall foliage and these gorgeous dream catchers.

Kathy at Life on Lakeshore Drive share this adorable owl art all ready to share at Thanksgiving.    

Jill at Sew A Fine Seam put up her sewing machine and got out her milk paint and a paintbrush and finished this lovely wood box. 

There were others I wanted to feature but they had no back link on the same page as their post. It does not help your party host if the link is not on the same page.

Thank you all for entering and if you were featured be sure and grab a brag button.

Totally Transformed

Now let's get this party started.  I only have a couple of requests.

*Please provide a back link to the party either by using my button or a text link ON your blog post.  Sorry no link on the post no feature.

*I would like for you to follow me via one or all of the social networks. I will follow everyone back and if I miss you please let me know.

*By linking up to the party you are allowing me to use your images to post on my blog and any or all of the social networks if you are featured.

Take a second to Tweet about the party! It helps you and me. :-)

So what have you been up to? We really want to see!


  1. Thanks for the great party, have a wonderful week!

  2. great features as always Peggy!
    Thanks for another party - have a wonderful week!

  3. Hi, Peggy! Thank you so much for the feature. You made my day extra special! <3

  4. Thank you so much for featuring my owls! I am so honored to be among the awesome features.

    I love, love, love your new look! It is awesome! I plan on redoing mine during break. Not looking forward to it. LOL

    Have a wonderful week! XOXO

  5. I love your new look! Great features this week, I am very honored to be included with such talented ladies! Thanks for hosting...have a great week! Hugs, Penny

  6. The new look is terrific, and I am your newest follower! I am linked in, and ready to party!

    Jan @ The Pink Geranium!

  7. Thanks so much for the feature! And I LOVE your new blog look - well done!

  8. Peggy ~ Thank you so much for including my post in your features today! I am humbled and so appreciative! Also, I am just loving the new look of your blog and header! Just beautiful and so chic!

    xoxo laurie

  9. Thanks for hosting! Wishing you a beautiful weekend. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  10. Oh ! What a good surprise ! You choosed my new little French blog to be featured ! I'm so pleased and honoured ! Thanks a lot. I'm partying again with a small heart I painted with roses.
    xoxo from PARIS


I love to read your comments. They make my day. I no longer take anonymous comments. Too much spam. Also, I will not reply on post to comments but via email so please be sure you are a reply blogger. Thanks, Peggy :-)