
Monday, October 1, 2012

Totally Transformed Tuesday #8

Totally Transformed

Well, Hi all my friends out in blogland! How are ya'll?  Okay, I hope.

Time has just flown by I've been so busy. I hope you  had a wonderful and prosperous week. :-)

Here's a look at last weeks favorite posts and if you didn't link up last week be sure to join us this week. We missed you. 

Everyone just loved Kathy Moody's glitzed, shabby chic, pumpkin make over. So pretty. Check out the full post at Life on Lakeshore Drive.

Sarah over at Alderberry Hill shared a great tutorial on how to make this darling "Countdown to Halloween" sign. 

Kathryn at The Dedicated House is sharing the story of her dining room make over.  Love that blue Kathryn.

Kaysi at Keeping It Simple made this darling pumpkin pillow using scraps of material she already had and her Cameo she makes it sound so easy.

If you have not already checked out these great blogs take a minute to do so. Each one of these ladies has a lot more to share.

If you were featured this week be sure to get a button for your blog.

Totally Transformed

Now on to the party.  Please be sure to post my button or a text link on your blog post, and be sure to provide a link to your post not your blog home page. No link no feature.

I would appreciate it if you would become a friend via one or all of the social media sites.

If you share a link with Totally Transformed Tuesday you agree that I may use your images to share with my readers on my blog, Facebook, or share on Pinterest.  

So what you been up to? We really want to see!


  1. Hi Peggy!
    Great features ( as always ) thanks so much for hosting a great party - have a wonderful week :)

    1. Thanks Suzan and I appreciate you linking up this week.

  2. Thanks for the feature and for hosting! Wishing you a beautiful evening. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  3. Just linked up and wanted to stop by and say thank you for hosting! Hugs, Penny

    1. Hi Penny thanks for linking up again this week. Glad to have you. Have a wonderful week.

  4. Love the features and thanks for hosting such an inspirational party....

  5. Peggy,
    Great Features and thanks so much for hosting!!


    1. Your welcome Debbie and thanks for linking up I always enjoy seeing what you've been up to. Have a wonderful week.

  6. Thank you so much for featuring my pumpkin! I am so honored. I'm still working on my new post, but I'll be back to get it linked up. I can't seem to get caught up this week. HUGS

  7. Your welcome Kathy. I know what you mean I can't seem to get caught up either and being a teacher I'm sure it is hard to find time to blog.


I love to read your comments. They make my day. I no longer take anonymous comments. Too much spam. Also, I will not reply on post to comments but via email so please be sure you are a reply blogger. Thanks, Peggy :-)