Hi all my bloggerette friends hope your week has started out well. Someone asked me recently what the purpose was for the free graphics, she didn’t get it. I thought maybe there were more of you out there that just didn’t get the purpose for the graphics so here are some ideas for using my images.
You can use them for scrapbooking, mixed media art, instant art, decoupage, graphic design, and much more you are only limited by your imagination.
Thanks for liking my blog and following me as I share my finds and re-furbished furniture I really appreciate each and everyone one of you.
Now on to the graphics.
Three little French girls
Vintage French Sewing Machine
Floral heart Valentine
Baby and dog
Darling little boy & girl blowing bubbles
Thanks for stopping by have a great rest of the week.
Partying with the following lovely ladies:
Partying with the following lovely ladies:
Thanks for linking to totally tutorials tuesday, I was happy to feature you today!!
Have an awesome weekend!!