
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Free Graphic Wednesday #13

Hello everyone hope you are having a great week.  I’m so excited to have achieved 100 followers! Thank you so much for liking what I do and being a follower each and everyone of you are so appreciated.  I read everyone of your comments and always enjoy hearing from you.

Okay, on to your free graphics for this week.  Here are some darling valentines for you.

Isn’t this little guy just adorable!  He is one of my favorites.


A precious flower girl valentine.


For all of you that have a little football player or for those that are football fans a football header.



Beautiful feather and floral graphic

Finally a French typography which roughly translates to “Serious and Pulls By the House and Cio Charaire Paris-Sceaux.” Which uhhh makes no sense to me lol but hey it looks good for a background or decoupage.

I recently had someone on my Facebook page say she liked my images but did not understand the concept.  So I thought I would ask what do you use images like these for? We’d love to know or you could email me one of your projects and I could share it. 

Hope the rest of your week is wonderful. Princess

Sharing with the following lovely ladies:

shabby creek cottage


I love to read your comments. They make my day. I no longer take anonymous comments. Too much spam. Also, I will not reply on post to comments but via email so please be sure you are a reply blogger. Thanks, Peggy :-)