
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Photoshop Learning Series

Hello Everyone,

I had foot surgery so no painting for me for a few days. Geez, I'm so frustrated looking out at my carport covered in furniture some half painted and I can't get out there and work! Sigh.

Anyway I wanted to share with you a link that Suzie just put up over at The Accent Piece. It is a 31 day tutorial on how to use Photoshop!

Now if you're like me and have Photoshop you only know how to do the basics like re-size and print lol so this will be a great help and its free! Here's the link to the series:

My Button

She is focusing on helping bloggers and I really can use the help as most of my photos stink because I have no photography skills and just a simple digital camera that I sort of borrowed (kept) from my daughter. Don't worry she got a new Nikon lucky girl. Even though she's focusing on bloggers the lessons should help anyone that has Photoshop.

Anyway I thought I would share this with my followers, who I appreciate very much, and I hope you may benefit from the lessons. Ya'll don't worry I'll be up painting by Monday and will be posting new items soon. Take care and have a great weekend.


  1. Thank you SO MUCH for posting about my 31 days seris! I really appreciate it. I'm following your blog now!

  2. Hi Pegg~
    I hope your feeling better soon and will be up and about shortly :)


  3. Thanks Mari I'm doing fine and cheating a little by painting chairs in my Den lol.


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