
Friday, August 5, 2011

Ladies We've Come A Long Way

Ladies are you still using this?

Still heating that iron on the stove ironing for awhile then heating again? Burning fingers and clothing because you have no control over how hot the iron gets? Have we got a product for you! 

The new, amazing Self-heating flat iron!

Ladies no home should be without one! You deserve the best send that husband out today to pick one up for you or your servant.  Notice the small round tank on the back of the iron this is where you store your kerosene to fuel the iron.  It works like a small heater! Amazing!  Just open the valve then  strike a match and insert in the small opening on top to light. Then you can adjust the heater to low, medium, or high. INCREDIBLE! 

Friends I am so glad we have progressed far beyond either one of these irons. lol I found this kerosene iron while coming through Mississippi at an antique shop and was thoroughly horrified and delighted at the same time.  Its just so cool! But when trying to imagine myself using it I could only imagine catching everything on fire I'm such a klutz my husband would know better than to buy me one of these.  Anyway I try to buy only permapress clothing no ironing for me unless absolutely necessary. I did plenty of that as a young girl using a no steam iron and a coke bottle with a top stuck in it with little holes to sprinkle the STARCHED clothing so I could iron all the wrinkles out.  When I was first told to do this it tickled me to death I felt so grown up, but believe me after a few loads I was over it! I know, I know I'm giving away my age. Hey, those were the good old days!

Hope you enjoyed  this step back in time and you will find the kerosene iron at my booth at King's Antique Mall in Shreveport.  I have several projects I am working on and will be sharing them soon.. Thanks for looking. :-)

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